This presentation provides an overview of three open source tools that have supported research and development of cyberinfrastructure tools via modeling and simulation:


SimGrid provides foundational simulation models and abstractions for simulating distributed applications, systems, and platforms. It has been stable for many years, has a large user community, and has a regular release cycle. It has been used successfully in many distributed computing domains and has provided simulation results for 400+ research publications.


WRENCH builds on SimGrid, so that simulations can be accurate and scalable, but provides high-level simulation abstractions. For instance, it provides several simulated implementations of “compute services” for bare-metal hardware resources, virtualized hardware resources, cloud platforms, batch-scheduled clusters, or HTCondor pools. As a result, implementing simulators of complex scenarios can be done with minimal software engineering efforts.


WfCommons is a framework for enabling scientific workflow research and development by providing foundational tools for analyzing workflow execution instances, generating workflow recipes, and generating synthetic, yet realistic, workflow instances that can be used to develop new techniques, algorithms and systems that can overcome the challenges of efficient and robust execution of ever larger workflows on increasingly complex distributed infrastructures.

Modeling and Simulation of Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems with SimGrid, WRENCH, and WfCommons from Rafael Ferreira da Silva